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· Web Development,web applications,XSS attacks,Protection,React js
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First, let’s see what is XSS attack. An XSS attack is used to gain access to users browser by using vulnerabilities in the application. It is caused by Cross-site scripting. In simple words, It is the script being injected into a comment or URL, etc. between a poorly coded web page and the client's web browser. Non-persistent and persistent are two types of XSS attack.

React escapes string variables automatically and this prevents XSS injection through string HTML with malicious JavaScript. You pass a function with JSXas an event handler rather than a string. A typical attack like the one given below will not work.

class UserProfilePage extends React.Component {

  render() {

    return (







There are still some XSS attacks you need to handle. Some are:

1.XSS attack through dangerouslySetInnerHTML

2.XSS attack through the a.href attribute.

3.XSS attack through attacker controlled props.Read more